Purple Line Light Rail Urban Design and Landscape Mitigation and Intervention
This project was to provide urban design and landscape architectural design services for the mitigation and intervention of the impacts the construction of the Purple Line Light Rail may have on adjacent properties in Montgomery County and Prince George’s County, MD. PELA prepared the Station Location and Vicinity Maps, preliminary landscape plans, design narratives and various graphics to illustrate alternative design concepts for ten (10) transit stations and 8 miles of light rail corridor.
Issues addressed in the preliminary design included ADA compliance, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, forest preservation and mitigation, integration of green infra structure (bio retention areas, planter boxes, permeable paving, bio filter, submerged gravel wetlands, etc.) into the streetscape, multi-modal complete street, steep slope stabilization, mitigation of neighborhood impacts, streetscape improvements, hardscape design, appropriate site furniture (bike rack, bench, trash receptacle, leaning rail, hand rail, etc.) selection, at grade, aerial and underground transit station concept, pedestrian amenities, screening the unsightly, etc.